iAgro FAQ
All our land imaging solutions to improve your farm performance and provide you with a decision support system in the field!
iAgro is a mobile app decision support system (DSS) for precision agriculture and digital farming that leverages technologies such as augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision, digital twin and cloud computing. iAgro provides georeferenced and timed information of key biometric and biophysical parameters of tree crops helping farmers and technicians make better decisions in managing agronomic inputs. The app also allows users to create vigor maps and prescription maps for optimized phytosanitary treatments, estimating the optimal doses of water and pesticides to be distributed in the plot.
iAgro is available for most mobile devices. A complete list can be found here.
iAgro is available for most tree crops: grapevine, olive tree (both traditional and intensive), stone fruit (plum, peach, apricot, cherry, almond, pistachio, hazelnut), pome fruit (apple, pear), and citrus.
As a cloud-based app in which all data is stored online, iAgro requires an Internet connection. However, fields and surveys can be created before going into the field, and once the photos are collected in a capture, they can also be uploaded later.
The iAgro app is a precision agriculture tool to improve farm processes, particularly to optimize and reduce chemical input and water inputs. Because it is a DSS, it is normally eligible for funding in regional and national calls that facilitate access to precision agriculture tools. For more precise information according to the specific notice, contact us!
Production Units
The limit to the number of production units that can be created within an organization varies according to one’s subscription. For more info see the features of the subscriptions here.
There is no limit to the number of fields that can be created within a production unit. The only limit is that of hectares, which varies according to one’s subscription. For more info see the features of the subscriptions here.
There is no limit to the size of single fields. The only limit is that of hectares, which varies according to one’s subscription.
There is no limit to the number of reliefs that can be created within a field. For more info see the features of the subscriptions here.
The 5-day limit was included to avoid mixing information from different phenological stages within the same survey. This avoids having maps and information from widely separated time instants.
There is no limit to the number of acquisitions that can be created within a survey. The only limit is the maximum number of global acquisitions, which varies according to one’s subscription. For more info see the features of the subscriptions here.
The minimum number of photos per acquisition is 50, while the maximum number is 250. This range is sufficient for any situation and ensures that the 3D model is correctly reproduced and thus also the relative results.
Yes, it is possible. It is not necessary to upload photos to the cloud right away, especially if you have poor signal and poor internet network in the field.
If you have little internet connection in the field, you may not be able to make and/or save acquisitions correctly. The suggestion is to move to another point in the field where you have sufficient Internet connection.
If you have little GPS signal in the field, you may not be able to make and/or save acquisitions correctly. The suggestion is to move to another point in the field where you have GPS signal.
If the 3D model of the scanned plant has holes or poor geometry reconstruction, it is likely that the photos were taken too closely or that some or all of the photos do not contain some parts of the plant. The advice is to repeat the acquisition by standing at an appropriate distance from the plant, as indicated in the tutorial and in the video tutorial.
The phone should always be held vertically, as indicated in the tutorial and in the video tutorial.
Acquisitions should be made only on plants with leaves that have a color on shades of green, so not on plants with no leaves, i.e., only bare branches, nor on plants with brown/red/yellow leaves.
Yes, you can invite collaborators to your organization through the “Invitations” feature available in the “Profile” section within the app. The invited person will receive the invitation via email and can log in with the same email (after registering for the app if he or she has not yet done so). The person invited will see everything within the organization, i.e., will green the production units, fields, surveys, and acquisitions with their results. It will also be able to export all data and maps. The only thing he/she will not be able to see are photos of acquisitions not made by him/her, because they are only on the phone of the person making the acquisition.
The person invited to collaborate in an organization will find the subscription of the account that invited him/her available. Thus, even if basically the invited person has a free subscription, the moment he or she is invited to the organization he or she will find the latter’s subscription available, without having to pay further for it.
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We help farmers optimize production while reducing costs
Learn more about how digital agriculture can help you improve the labor, production, and quality of your agricultural products, increasing sustainability and reducing waste!